Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 11/16/2019 - 8:30 AM
Category: Résolution en bloc
Type: Info
Subject: 4.4 Correspondance
Plan stratégique :
Pièce(s) jointe(s)
File Attachment:
CSAP plan strategique.pdf
191001 DG CSAP de Pres. CA.pdf
190920 Letter to all Board Chairs re climate action.pdf
191001 MFL PSEC_salaires DG et ST.pdf
191004 Letters to School District No 093 (Conseil scolaire francopho....pdf
191015 Christine Hutchins CA CSF.pdf
191017 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause CNPF.pdf
191017 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause FNCSF.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause AEFNB.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause AJEFNB.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause APECOLIBRIS.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause APERDV.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause CLO.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause CRFCDEL.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause CSFPTNL.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause FCENB.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause RGCQ.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB remerciements appui cause SANB.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB Sincere Thanks AMC.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB Sincere Thanks CAPJ.pdf
191024 CSF FPFCB Sincere Thanks DACCRuT.pdf
191025 M-P Lavoie a` J Fraser - Queen Elizabeth Annex.pdf
191107 LT Fleming - modifications School Act.pdf
Mise en situation :
Financement :
Recommandation :
Signed By:
xSylvain Allison - Secrétaire-trésorier